Arkansas Code § 19-11-239 - Finality of Determinations

The determinations required by:

(1) Section 19-11-229(h), which refers to competitive sealed bidding, award;

(2) Section 19-11-230(b), which refers to competitive sealed proposals, conditions for use;

(3) Section 19-11-230(f), which refers to competitive sealed proposals, award;

(4) Section 19-11-232, which refers to proprietary or sole source procurements;

(5) Section 19-11-233, which refers to emergency procurements;

(6) Section 19-11-234, which refers to competitive bidding;

(7) Section 19-11-235, which refers to responsibility of bidders and offerors, determination of responsibility;

(8) Section 19-11-238(b), which refers to multiyear contracts, determination prior to use; and

(9) Section 19-11-263, which refers to special procurements,

are final and conclusive, unless they are clearly erroneous, arbitrary, capricious, or contrary to law.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016