Arkansas Code Title 19, Chapter 4, Subchapter 5 - Financial Management System
- § 19-4-501 - General Requirements.
(a) In order to provide necessary financial information for the Governor, members and committees of the General Assembly, and other interested state agencies, the...
- § 19-4-502 - Duties of Chief Fiscal Officer of the State Generally.
The Chief Fiscal Officer of the State shall: (1) Review postaudits of state agencies conducted by the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee and advise the...
- § 19-4-503 - Deposit of Funds in State Treasury.
(a) The Chief Fiscal Officer of the State shall have the authority, upon request of a state agency having funds on deposit in a...
- § 19-4-504 - Requisites of System.
The financial management system shall at all times: (1) Reflect the unencumbered balances of all State Treasury funds, fund accounts, and accounts and appropriations...
- § 19-4-505 - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
It is the intent of the General Assembly that the state accounting system, as authorized in this subchapter, shall be established in conformity with...
- § 19-4-506 - Accounting and Reporting Capabilities.
A governmental accounting system must make it possible both to: (1) Present fairly and with full disclosure the financial position and results of financial...
- § 19-4-507 - Fund Accounting Systems.
Governmental accounting systems should be organized and operated on a fund basis. A fund is defined as a fiscal and accounting entity with a...
- § 19-4-508 -- 19-4-516 - [Repealed.]
- § 19-4-517 - Interim and Annual Financial Reports.
(a) Appropriate interim financial statements and reports of financial position, operating results, and other pertinent information should be prepared to facilitate management control of...
- § 19-4-518 - Design of System.
(a) The financial management system shall be designed to record assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues, expenditures, and other similar transactions in accordance with generally...
- § 19-4-519 - Appropriations Code Manual.
(a) After the General Assembly has enacted the various appropriation measures for the support and operation of state government and its agencies, the Chief...
- § 19-4-520 - Classification of Appropriations.
(a) (1) For the purpose of establishing the proper accounts, for budgetary control, for accounting, and for other provisions of this chapter, the appropriations...
- § 19-4-521 - Personal Services.
The personal services classification shall be for regular full-time, part-time, and extra-help employees, employer matching costs, employer special or extra compensation, overtime earnings, and...
- § 19-4-522 - Maintenance and General Operation.
(a) The maintenance and general operation classification shall cover items of expense necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the state agency, authority,...
- § 19-4-523 - Grants, Assistance, and Special Aid.
This classification shall be applicable to all appropriations made by the General Assembly from state, federal, or other moneys for educational assistance, welfare grants,...
- § 19-4-524 - Construction and Permanent Improvements.
(a) The construction and permanent improvements classification shall be determined by the language of the appropriation acts which make available funds for construction and...
- § 19-4-525 - Special Appropriations.
(a) All other appropriations made by the General Assembly which do not come under any of the classifications mentioned in this section shall be...
- § 19-4-526 - [Repealed.]
- § 19-4-527 - Authority of Treasurer of State to Use Certain Funding for Operations.
(a) The Treasurer of State is authorized to utilize the funding for maintenance and general operations provided for in the Constitutional Officers Fund and...
Last modified: November 15, 2016