Arkansas Code § 20-16-402 - Information From State Agencies

(a) (1) Any bona fide appropriately licensed medical facility, including, but not limited to, a county hospital, participating in recognized research in Arkansas and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expressly authorized to contract for the production of any information relevant to monitoring reproductive health.

(2) Information acquired under this subsection includes, but is not limited to, information identified by name or other personal identifying information including the method by which the information was compiled or tabulated.

(b) The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas Children's Hospital, other participating medical facilities as described in subsection (a) of this section, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are expressly prohibited from supplying any information obtained pursuant to subsection (a) of this section by individual name or other personal identifying information or in a form other than a statistical report or other appropriate form which protects the confidentiality of individuals.

(c) Information obtained pursuant to subsection (a) of this section may be returned to any state agency or department from which it was originally obtained.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016