Arkansas Code § 20-20-210 - Licenses -- Noncommercial Applicators

(a) In General. (1) No noncommercial applicator shall use, supervise the use of, or demonstrate the use of a restricted-use pesticide without a noncommercial applicator's license issued by the State Plant Board.

(2) Application for the license shall be made on forms obtained from the board and shall contain information regarding the applicant's qualifications, the proposed operation, the license classification applied for, and the full name of the individual qualified or to be qualified by passing the examination described in § 20-20-209(b).

(3) If the board finds the applicant qualified to apply pesticides in the classifications applied for and if the applicant has paid testing and license fees required by regulation, the board shall issue a noncommercial applicator's license limited to the activities and classifications applied for.

(4) The license shall expire December 31 of each year unless it has been suspended or revoked prior thereto by the board for cause.

(5) A license shall be automatically invalidated if a noncommercial applicator is at any time or for any reason left without an individual qualified under this section.

(6) If the board does not qualify the noncommercial applicator under this section, the board shall inform the applicant in writing of the reasons therefor.

(7) (A) Fees may be waived for state, municipal, or other governmental agencies and their designated employees qualifying by examination.

(B) Noncommercial applicators shall be subject to legal recourse by any person damaged as the result of the application of any pesticide by the applicator.

(C) The violation of any of the provisions of this subchapter by any noncommercial applicator shall be prima facie evidence of negligence on the part of the person, firm, or corporation committing the violation, and such negligence shall be imputable as provided by existing law.

(b) License Renewal. The board may renew the applicant's license under the classifications for which the applicant is licensed, subject to reexamination for any additional knowledge that may be required to ensure a continuing level of competence and ability to use restricted-use pesticides safely and properly due to changing technology.

(c) Exemption. This section shall not apply to persons conducting laboratory research involving restricted-use pesticide and doctors of medicine and doctors of veterinary medicine applying restricted-use pesticides as drugs or medication during the course of their normal practice.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016