Arkansas Code § 20-21-505 - Reporting Requirements

The chief executive officer of the county shall be responsible for submitting the following progress reports:

(1) Quarterly Fiscal Report. Within thirty (30) days following the end of each fiscal quarter, a report detailing the expenditure of grant moneys shall be submitted to the Nuclear Planning and Response Program of the Division of Radiation Control and Emergency Management of the Department of Health. The next quarter's funds shall not be authorized until receipt of the report covering the preceding quarter; and

(2) Year-End Program Report. Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the state fiscal year, a report shall be submitted to the program containing the fourth quarter fiscal report and a narrative report on the status of the county's ability to implement its radiological response plan.

Section: Previous  20-21-502  20-21-503  20-21-504  20-21-505  

Last modified: November 15, 2016