Arkansas Code § 20-45-302 - Creation and Purpose

(a) There is established the "Arkansas Suicide Prevention Council".

(b) The purpose of the council is to serve as a central body on suicide prevention efforts across the state, including without limitation:

(1) Setting priorities for statewide, data-driven, evidence-based, and clinically informed suicide prevention in Arkansas;

(2) Providing a public forum to examine the current status of suicide prevention and intervention policies, priorities, and practices;

(3) Identifying interested parties, community, state, and national prevention providers and stakeholders for collaboration and devising a system of gathering data and other information to ensure coordination of suicide prevention resources and services throughout Arkansas;

(4) Assisting private, nonprofit, and faith-based entities, including without limitation coalitions, foundations, initiatives, churches, veterans groups, substance abuse recovery groups, senior adult organizations, grief support groups, injury prevention groups, and other groups to enhance suicide prevention and survivor support efforts; and

(5) Aiding in the development of evaluation tools and data collection for use in reporting suicide prevention efforts to the public.

(c) Within sixty (60) days of July 22, 2015, there shall be appointed to the council no more than twenty-three (23) members, including:

(1) A representative of the office of the Attorney General, to be designated by the Attorney General;

(2) A representative of the Division of Behavioral Health Services of the Department of Human Services, to be designated by the head of the Division of Behavioral Health Services;

(3) A representative of the Department of Education, to be designated by the Commissioner of Education;

(4) A representative of the Division of Youth Services of the Department of Human Services, to be designated by the head of the Division of Youth Services;

(5) A representative of Arkansas Children's Hospital, to be designated by the President and Chief Executive Officer of Arkansas Children's Hospital;

(6) A representative of law enforcement, to be designated by the Director of the Department of Arkansas State Police;

(7) A representative from higher education, to be designated by the Director of the Department of Higher Education;

(8) A representative from kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) education, to be designated by the Arkansas Education Association;

(9) A representative from an employee assistance program or human resources in the private sector, to be designated by the Governor;

(10) A licensed mental health professional, to be designated by the Governor;

(11) A representative of substance-abuse treatment providers, to be designated by the Governor;

(12) A representative of primary medical care providers, to be designated by the Governor;

(13) A representative of first responders, to be designated by the Governor;

(14) A representative from a hospital with an on-site emergency department, to be designated by the Governor;

(15) A hospital-based social worker, to be designated by the Governor;

(16) An elected coroner, to be designated by the Governor;

(17) An active member or veteran of any branch of the United States Armed Forces, to be designated by the Governor;

(18) A family member of a person who died by suicide, to be designated by the Governor;

(19) A person who has attempted suicide, recovered, and is now thriving, to be designated by the Governor;

(20) A representative of the suicide prevention nonprofit community, to be designated by the Governor;

(21) A representative of the Arkansas Prevention Network, to be designated by the President of the Arkansas Prevention Network;

(22) A representative from an interfaith organization, to be designated by the Governor; and

(23) The chair of the Arkansas Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force, or his or her designee.

(d) The council shall elect annually two (2) cochairs, a vice chair, and a secretary who will serve as an executive board.

(e) (1) The council shall establish a charter and bylaws within ninety (90) days of the first meeting.

(2) A quorum for conducting business is one-half (1/2) of the appointed members.

(f) (1) The council shall meet at least four (4) times each year.

(2) The council shall meet at times and places that the cochairs deem necessary, but no meeting shall be held outside the state.

(3) Special meetings may be held at the call of the cochairs, as needed.

(g) (1) The appointed members of the council shall serve staggered terms of four (4) years with no more than two (2) contiguous terms.

(2) If a vacancy occurs in an appointed position, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by an appointment made in the same manner as the original appointment.

(h) Appointments shall:

(1) Represent persons of different ethnic backgrounds;

(2) Include members from each of Arkansas's four (4) congressional districts; and

(3) Include members with expertise from groups associated with high suicide rates and suicide attempts.

(i) (1) The members of the council shall serve without compensation but may seek reimbursement for travel expenses to and from meetings of the council.

(2) The expense reimbursement shall be paid by the Department of Health from moneys available for that purpose.

(j) The Department of Health shall provide staff and programmatic support for the council to the extent that funding is available.

(k) The Department of Health is the designated agency for the purposes of suicide prevention and related state and federal programmatic and funding applications.

(l) Within the first year of its creation, the council shall make recommendations to the General Assembly on staffing and funding needs to implement an effective statewide suicide prevention program.

Section: 20-45-302  

Last modified: November 15, 2016