Arkansas Code § 20-59-211 - Milk Tester License and Fee

(a) Every person receiving or buying milk or cream on the basis of its chemical or physical constituents shall be, or have in his or her employ, a licensed milk tester to make the official analysis, and no other person shall be allowed to make the tests in any creamery, cheese factory, milk depot, milk plant, ice cream factory, milk condensery, or similar plant where milk or cream is bought or received on a basis of its chemical or physical constituents.

(b) Application to become a licensed milk tester shall be made to the Director of the Department of Health upon such forms as the director may prescribe.

(c) All licenses shall expire on the next succeeding April 1, and the fee shall be ten dollars ($10.00). The required fee shall accompany the application.

(d) If the applicant shall be found upon examination to be qualified and competent, the director shall issue to him or her a license.

(e) Licensed testers are also qualified and permitted to act as samplers.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016