Arkansas Code § 20-59-405 - Disposition and Transfer of Inspection Fees

(a) (1) All moneys received by the Department of Health for milk inspection fees as established in this subchapter shall be deposited into the State Treasury, and the Treasurer of State shall, after deducting therefrom one and one-half percent (11/2%) of the amount for credit to the Constitutional Officers Fund to be used for the purposes provided by law, credit the net amount as special revenues to the credit of the Milk Inspection Fees Fund to be used by the Division of Environmental Health Protection of the Department of Health exclusively for the purpose of defraying the cost of maintenance, operation, and improvement of the permits, inspections, and laboratory services of the Grade "A" Milk and Milk Products Inspection and Regulation Program.

(2) The unexpended balance of the funds in the Milk Inspection Fees Fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not be considered as a part of the unexpended fund balances of the department that are recovered by the Treasurer of State at the close of each year, and any balance in the Milk Inspection Fees Fund shall be carried forward in the fund to the next fiscal year to be used for the support of the program as provided by law.

(b) The Chief Fiscal Officer of the State is authorized from time to time to make transfers of moneys in the Budget Stabilization Trust Fund as loans to the Milk Inspection Fees Fund to be used for the maintenance and operation of the program of the Division of Environmental Health Protection of the Department of Health, provided that any moneys loaned from the Budget Stabilization Trust Fund to the Milk Inspection Fees Fund shall be repaid from fees derived from the program on or before the last day of the fiscal year in which the loan of the funds is made.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016