Arkansas Code § 20-59-701 - Definitions

As used in this subchapter:

(1) "Dairy cooperative" means an association of dairy producers organized for the mutual benefit of the dairy producers;

(2) "Dairy plant" means any place, premises, or establishment where milk or milk products are collected, handled, processed, stored, pasteurized, bottled, or prepared for distribution;

(3) "Dairy processor" means any place, premises, or establishment that receives raw milk and pasteurizes and prepares it for human consumption;

(4) "Dairy producer" means any person who produces bulk milk for sale to a dairy cooperative, dairy plant, or other processor;

(5) "Department" means the Department of Health;

(6) "Division" means the Division of Public Health Laboratories of the Department of Health;

(7) "Evaluation officer" means an individual who has been trained, tested, and certified by the department in accordance with guidelines established by the Food and Drug Administration Laboratory Quality Assurance Branch to certify milk industry laboratories to test milk for the presence of antibiotic drugs;

(8) (A) "Laboratory" means a laboratory that tests raw milk received from dairy producers for the presence of antibiotic drugs. A laboratory may be located in a dairy plant, dairy cooperative, receiving station, transfer station, or other place where milk samples from bulk trucks or dairy producers are collected or tested.

(B) "Laboratory" shall not include a laboratory that performs quality control tests developed by the Dairy Herd Improvement Association or any cooperative field person or plant field person who performs tests on milk quality or butterfat; and

(9) "Laboratory certification program" means a program administered by the Department of Health to certify laboratories to test milk for the presence of antibiotic drugs in a manner consistent with guidelines established by the Food and Drug Administration Laboratory Quality Assurance Branch.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016