Arkansas Code § 20-64-704 - Division of Behavioral Health Services -- Powers and Duties

The Division of Behavioral Health Services of the Department of Human Services shall have the following duties and functions:

(1) Carry on a continuing study of the problems of alcoholism in this state and seek to focus public attention on the problems;

(2) Establish cooperative relationships with other state and local agencies, hospitals, clinics, public health, welfare, and law enforcement authorities, educational and medical agencies and organizations, and other related public and private groups;

(3) Promote or conduct educational programs on alcoholism, purchase and provide books, films, and other educational material, furnish funds or grants to the Department of Education, institutions of higher education, and medical schools for study and research, and modernize instruction regarding the problems of alcoholism;

(4) Provide for treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics and allocate funds for:

(A) The establishment of local alcoholic clinics, with or without short-term hospitalization facilities, by providing funds for not to exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the total operating cost of the clinics operated by a city or a county;

(B) Providing treatment for those alcoholics needing from five (5) to ninety (90) days' hospitalization, whether voluntary patients or those admitted on court order, by furnishing the Department of Human Services State Institutional System Board all of the funds needed for the proper operation of segregated wards for treatment of the patients. The funds and necessary personnel shall be in addition to all funds and personnel provided the hospital board in the regular departmental appropriation bill;

(C) Contracting with hospitals or institutions not under its control for the care, custody, and treatment of alcoholics; and

(D) Providing for the detention, care, and treatment of recalcitrant alcoholics and alcoholics with long police court records, by furnishing funds for the operation of farm or colony-type facilities under the provisions of subdivision (4)(A) or subdivision (4)(B) of this section; and

(5) While the division necessarily must, and does, have discretion as to proportions in which it allocates funds to the various aspects of this problem, it is contemplated and intended that the division shall make every reasonable effort not to concentrate too largely on any one (1) phase of the problem at the expense or detriment of other phases. For example, but not limited to, the following phases:

(A) That research should not be retarded because of funds directed to treatment, and vice versa;

(B) That treatment should not be retarded because of funds directed to rehabilitation, and vice versa; and

(C) That rehabilitation should not be retarded because of funds directed to research, and vice versa.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016