Arkansas Code § 20-76-101 - Definitions

As used in this chapter:

(1) "Assessment services" means an evaluation to determine the abilities, talents, proficiencies, and deficiencies of applicants and recipients with regard to the ability of the individual to move into employment;

(2) "Date of enrollment" means the date that an applicant is approved as eligible for the Transitional Employment Assistance Program;

(3) "Diversion from assistance" means a one-time loan of money or the furnishing of nonmonetary assistance to an applicant who is eligible for but does not require enrollment in the Transitional Employment Assistance Program;

(4) "Education or training" means basic remedial education, adult education, high school education, education to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma, education to learn English as a second language, applied technology training, and postsecondary education and training;

(5) "Employment assistance" means financial assistance, child care, assistance to secure full-time employment, assistance in obtaining education and training that leads to full-time employment, case management services, and other services designed to assist recipients in achieving self-sufficiency through employment;

(6) "Extended support services" means assistance to a recipient who has obtained employment under the Transitional Employment Assistance Program, which may include, but is not limited to, child care and medical assistance;

(7) "Full-time education or training" means education or training on a full-time basis as defined by the Department of Human Services;

(8) "Medical assistance" means assistance furnished pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. ยงยง 1396-1396w5, commonly referred to as Medicaid, or a state-funded medical assistance program;

(9) "Personal responsibility agreement" means an agreement between the department and the recipient specifying the recipient's responsibilities that are a condition of receiving employment assistance, which may include an employment plan that describes what the recipient and the department will do to assist the recipient in achieving self-sufficiency through employment;

(10) "Positive reinforcement outcome bonus" means a one-time cash assistance bonus for achieving an employment plan goal;

(11) "Relocation assistance" means assistance to an eligible recipient who lives in an area of limited job opportunities to enable the recipient to relocate for purposes of full-time employment that the recipient has secured;

(12) "Support services" means child care, transportation, financial assistance, medical assistance, substance abuse treatment, life skills training, parenting skills training, and other similar assistance;

(13) "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program" means all Arkansas programs funded by federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families block grant funds or state funds claimed as maintenance of effort under the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, including:

(A) The Transitional Employment Assistance Program;

(B) The Arkansas Work Pays Program;

(C) The Career Pathways Initiative; and

(D) The Community Investment Initiative; and

(14) "Unearned income" means all income that a recipient receives from sources other than employment, including child support payments, supplemental security income, supplemental security disability income, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016