Arkansas Code § 20-76-704 - Powers and Duties

(a) The Department of Workforce Services shall:

(1) Consult with substance abuse treatment experts;

(2) Develop appropriate screening techniques and processes to establish reasonable cause that an applicant or recipient is using a drug and to establish the necessary criteria to permit the department to require the applicant or recipient to undergo a urine-based five-panel drug test;

(3) Identify and select a screening tool as a part of the development of the screening technique that will be employed for the pilot program under this subchapter;

(4) Develop a plan for funding of the costs of the screening process, the urine-based five-panel drug testing process, personnel and information systems modification, and other costs associated with the development and implementation of the testing process; and

(5) Develop a plan for any modification of its information systems necessary to properly track and report the status of applicants or recipients who are screened and who must undergo testing as required by this subchapter, including without limitation a detailed analysis of costs for systems analysis, programming, and testing of modifications and for implementation dates for completion of the modifications.

(b) Upon conclusion of the first year of the pilot program and conclusion of the pilot program, the department shall submit a report on or before December 31 to the General Assembly that includes without limitation:

(1) The number of individuals screened;

(2) The number of screened individuals for whom there was a reasonable suspicion of illegal drug use;

(3) The number of screened individuals who took a drug test;

(4) The number of screened individuals who refused to take a drug test;

(5) The number of screened individuals who received a positive result on the drug test;

(6) The number of screened individuals who received a negative result on the drug test;

(7) The number of individuals who received a positive result on a drug test for a second or subsequent time; and

(8) The amount of costs incurred by the department for the administration of the pilot program.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016