Arkansas Code § 20-77-2002 - Administration

(a) In administering the ARKids First A and B programs, the Department of Human Services shall:

(1) Work to increase enrollment among eligible uninsured children under nineteen (19) years of age;

(2) Work to improve retention of coverage among eligible uninsured children under nineteen (19) years of age;

(3) Design the application and annual renewal processes to minimize administrative barriers for applicants and enrolled children under nineteen (19) years of age to minimize gaps in coverage for children who are eligible and to reduce state administrative costs;

(4) Modify eligibility renewal procedures to improve retention and increase the number of children who retain coverage; and

(5) (A) Manage outreach, application, and renewal procedures with the goal of achieving annual improvements in enrollment, enrollment rates, renewals, and renewal rates.

(B) To make the improvements required under subdivision (a)(1) of this section, the department shall maximize the use of existing program databases to obtain information related to earned and unearned income for purposes of eligibility determination and renewals, including without limitation:

(i) The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program;

(ii) The state child care subsidy program;

(iii) The Arkansas Better Chance Program;

(iv) The National School Lunch Program;

(v) Federal Social Security Administration programs; and

(vi) The Department of Workforce Services database.

(b) To simplify and streamline the renewal process, the Department of Human Services shall:

(1) Maximize the use of data matches, online submissions, and telephone interviews; and

(2) Develop a pre-populated renewal form that will be sent to families to complete and return for use in cases in which the Department of Human Services is unable to renew coverage through the use of data matching, online submissions, or telephone interviews.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016