Arkansas Code § 20-77-704 - Payment of Trust Funds

(a) The cotrustees of the Special Needs Trust Revolving Fund are hereby given complete discretion as to the expenditure of principal and income of the Special Needs Trust Revolving Fund for the purposes set forth in this subchapter, not to exceed all of the income earned by the fund annually and no more than ten percent (10%) of the principal of the fund. All income not expended annually shall become a part of and be added to the principal of the fund. The expenditures from the fund shall be subject to § 20-77-705 and shall have the following priorities:

(1) Each claimant who is also a contributing beneficiary shall be deemed to have priority as to distribution of his or her share of the principal and the income earned by his or her share of the fund; and

(2) Any of the share of principal or income of the contributing beneficiary not expended for the contributing beneficiary plus all expenditure of principal and income as allowed above which are not designated for any contributing beneficiary may be expended for any other claimant.

(b) (1) The cotrustees shall keep a current account balance for each contributing beneficiary's fund, with the balance to be reduced by all expenditures for that contributing beneficiary whether out of the fund or from any collateral source until the balance reaches zero dollars ($0.00).

(2) Should the contributing beneficiary die prior to his or her balance reaching zero dollars ($0.00), the balance shall be paid to the estate of the deceased contributing beneficiary.

(c) When a contributing beneficiary's account balance as described in subsection (b) of this section reaches zero dollars ($0.00), the contributing beneficiary shall be treated as any other claimant for purposes of receiving benefits from this fund. In addition to the annual accounting as required by § 20-77-108, the cotrustees shall notify a contributing beneficiary when his or her account balance reaches zero dollars ($0.00).

(d) A benefit shall not be subject to execution, attachment, garnishment, or other process, except that benefits for allowable expenses shall not be exempt from a creditor to the extent that the creditor has provided products, services, or accommodations, the costs of which are included in the benefit.

(e) An assignment by the claimant to any future benefit under the provisions of this subchapter is unenforceable, except an assignment of any benefit for allowable expense to the extent that the benefits are for the cost of products, services, or accommodations necessitated by the injury or disability on which the claim is based and are provided or are to be provided by the assignee.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016