Arkansas Code § 20-77-901 - Definitions

As used in this subchapter:

(1) "Arkansas Medicaid Program" means the program authorized under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, which provides for payments for medical goods or services on behalf of indigent families with dependent children and of aged, blind, or disabled individuals whose income and resources are insufficient to meet the cost of necessary medical services;

(2) "Claim" includes any request or demand, including any and all documents or information required by federal or state law or by rule, made against medical assistance programs funds for payment. A claim may be based on costs or projected costs and includes any entry or omission in a cost report or similar document, book of account, or any other document which supports, or attempts to support, the claim. A claim may be made through electronic means if authorized by the Department of Human Services. Each claim may be treated as a separate claim, or several claims may be combined to form one (1) claim;

(3) "Fiscal agent" means any individual, firm, corporation, professional association, partnership, organization, or other legal entity which, through a contractual relationship with the department, the State of Arkansas receives, processes, and pays claims under the program;

(4) "Knowing" or "knowingly" means that the person has actual knowledge of the information or acts in deliberate ignorance or reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information;

(5) "Medicaid recipient" means any individual on whose behalf any person claimed or received any payment or payments from the program or its fiscal agents, whether or not the individual was eligible for benefits under the program;

(6) "Person" means any provider of goods or services or any employee of the provider, whether that provider be an individual, individual medical vendor, firm, corporation, professional association, partnership, organization, or other legal entity under the program but which provides goods or services to a provider under the program or its fiscal agents; and

(7) "Records" means all documents in any form, including, but not limited to, medical documents and X rays, prepared by any person for the purported provision of any goods or services to any Medicaid recipient.

Section: 20-77-902  20-77-903  20-77-904  20-77-905  20-77-906  20-77-907  20-77-908  20-77-909  20-77-910  20-77-911    Next

Last modified: November 15, 2016