Arkansas Code § 20-78-501 - Creation -- Composition -- Meetings

(a) (1) There is hereby established the Arkansas Early Childhood Commission, to be composed of twenty-five (25) members.

(2) The Chair of the Arkansas Early Childhood Commission shall be selected annually by majority vote of the commission.

(b) The following members of the commission shall be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate:

(1) Three (3) members affiliated with child care provider agencies, organizations, or programs, of which one (1) of the members shall be affiliated with a family child care home;

(2) One (1) member affiliated with the Arkansas Head Start State Collaboration Office;

(3) One (1) member affiliated with a Head Start program;

(4) One (1) member affiliated with an Early Head Start program;

(5) One (1) member affiliated with a Migrant and Seasonal Head Start program;

(6) One (1) member affiliated with a Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters program;

(7) One (1) member employed as an administrator by a public school district;

(8) One (1) member employed by a public school district as a teacher with early childhood responsibilities;

(9) One (1) member trained as an early childhood education professional;

(10) One (1) member who is a parent of a child who attends a child care program;

(11) Two (2) members representing the business community who have an interest in early childhood education;

(12) One (1) member representing the Arkansas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics;

(13) One (1) member representing the Arkansas Chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians;

(14) One (1) member who is a clinical provider of childhood behavioral and mental health services specializing in prevention and early intervention; and

(15) One (1) member representing the Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Council of Deans.

(c) The members identified in subsection (b) of this section shall serve three-year terms, and the terms shall begin on July 1.

(d) The remaining membership shall consist of:

(1) The Chair of the Subcommittee on Children and Youth of the House Committee on Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs or his or her designee;

(2) The Chair of the Senate Interim Committee on Children and Youth or his or her designee;

(3) The Chair of the House Committee on Education or his or her designee;

(4) The Chair of the Senate Committee on Education or his or her designee;

(5) The Commissioner of Education or his or her designee;

(6) The Director of the Department of Health or his or her designee; and

(7) The Director of the Department of Career Education or his or her designee.

(e) (1) The commission shall meet at least quarterly and at such other times as may be deemed necessary for the performance of the duties of the commission.

(2) Special meetings of the commission may be called by the chair or by agreement of a majority of the members of the commission.

(f) (1) The members of the commission shall serve without compensation or per diem but shall be entitled to reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the performance of duties as members of the commission. Expense reimbursement shall be in accordance with state travel and official business expense reimbursement procedures and regulations.

(2) Expense reimbursement shall be paid from funds appropriated to the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education of the Department of Human Services for this purpose.

(g) The commission shall report annually to the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education as set out in ยง 20-78-502.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016