Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 2, Chapter 27, Subchapter 24 - Sale of Herbal Snuff to Minors
§ 20-27-2401 - Findings.
The General Assembly finds that: (1) Herbal snuff is a tobaccoless snuff, available as loose composition or in pouches, that is primarily marketed as...
§ 20-27-2402 - Definitions.
As used in this subchapter: (1) "Herbal chewing snuff" means a tobacco-free and nicotine-free version of chewing snuff, a product used orally by chewing...
§ 20-27-2404 - Rules -- Enforcement.
(a) The Arkansas Tobacco Control Board may adopt rules to implement this subchapter.(b) (1) The board, Arkansas Tobacco Control, and their authorized agents may...