Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 4, Chapter 60, Subchapter 2 - Arkansas Meat and Meat Products Inspection Act
- § 20-60-201 - Title.
This subchapter may be cited as the "Arkansas Meat and Meat Products Inspection Act".
- § 20-60-202 - Policy.
(a) Meat and meat food products are an important source of the supply of human food in this state, and legislation to assure that...
- § 20-60-203 - Definitions.
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Adulterated" shall apply to any livestock carcass, part thereof, or meat food product...
- § 20-60-204 - Exceptions.
(a) (1) The Director of the Department of Health shall, by regulation and under such conditions as to labeling, sanitary standards, practices, and procedures...
- § 20-60-205 - Penalties.
(a) Any person who violates the provisions of this subchapter shall upon conviction be subject to imprisonment for not more than six (6) months...
- § 20-60-206 - Director of the Department of Health -- Powers and Duties.
(a) (1) The Director of the Department of Health shall promulgate such rules and regulations and appoint such veterinarians and other qualified personnel as...
- § 20-60-207 - Compliance With Subchapter Required.
No establishment in this state shall slaughter any livestock or process any livestock carcasses, or parts thereof, or meat food products for human consumption...
- § 20-60-208 - Application for License or Exemption.
(a) Applications for inspection or exemption shall be made on forms furnished by the Director of the Department of Health.(b) A license shall be...
- § 20-60-209 - Inspection and Sanitary Practices Required.
(a) Each official establishment at which livestock are slaughtered or livestock carcasses or parts thereof or meat food products are processed for intrastate commerce...
- § 20-60-210 - Inspection Procedures.
(a) For the purpose of preventing the entry into or movement in intrastate commerce of any livestock carcass, part thereof, or meat food product...
- § 20-60-211 - Withdrawal and Denial of Inspection.
(a) The Director of the Department of Health may withdraw or otherwise deny inspection under this subchapter with respect to any establishment for such...
- § 20-60-212 - Cost.
(a) The cost of inspection rendered under this subchapter shall be borne by this state. The cost of overtime and holiday work performed in...
- § 20-60-213 - Labeling and Marking.
(a) (1) Each shipping container of any meat or meat food product, inspected under the authority of this subchapter and found to be wholesome...
- § 20-60-214 - Prohibited Acts.
The following acts or the causing thereof within this state are prohibited: (1) The processing for, or the sale or offering for sale, transportation,...
- § 20-60-215 - Records.
(a) For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this subchapter, persons engaged in this state in the business of processing for intrastate commerce...
Last modified: November 15, 2016