Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 4, Chapter 64, Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
- § 20-64-101 - Use and Possession of Narcotic Drugs by Certain Institutions and Druggists.
It shall be lawful for eleemosynary institutions, sanatoriums, hospitals, and wholesale druggists having licensed pharmacists in their employ to possess, use, compound, and sell...
- § 20-64-102 - Narcotic Drugs in Safe, Locked Receptacle.
(a) Any apothecary who is authorized to posses narcotic drugs as defined by the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, § 20-64-201 et seq., shall keep...
- § 20-64-103 - [Repealed.]
- § 20-64-104 - Service of Search Warrant.
A search warrant relating to offenses involving drugs regulated under the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, § 20-64-201 et seq., and the Arkansas Drug Abuse...
Last modified: November 15, 2016