Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 4, Chapter 64, Subchapter 3 - Arkansas Drug Abuse Control Act
- § 20-64-301 - Title.
This subchapter may be cited as the "Arkansas Drug Abuse Control Act".
- § 20-64-302 - Definitions.
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Board" means the State Board of Health; (2) "Counterfeit drug" means a drug...
- § 20-64-303 - Minor Violations of Subchapter.
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed as requiring the State Board of Health to report for the institution of proceedings under this subchapter...
- § 20-64-304 - Penalties.
(a) (1) Any person violating any of the provisions of this subchapter commits a felony and shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than...
- § 20-64-305 - Duty of Prosecuting Attorneys.
It shall be the duty of each prosecuting attorney to whom the State Board of Health reports any violation of this subchapter to cause...
- § 20-64-306 - Prohibited Acts.
The following acts and the causing thereof within the State of Arkansas are prohibited: (1) The manufacture, compounding, or processing of a drug in...
- § 20-64-307 - Seizure and Forfeiture of Contraband -- Generally.
The following are declared to be contraband and shall be seized and forfeited without warrant by an authorized agent of the State Board of...
- § 20-64-308 - Seizure and Forfeiture of Contraband -- Hearing and Disposition.
(a) (1) When an article, drug, or other thing is seized and forfeited under the provisions of § 20-64-307, the Director of the Department...
- § 20-64-309 - Depressant and Stimulant Drugs -- Manufacturing, Compounding, or Processing Prohibited -- Exceptions.
No person shall manufacture, compound, or process in this state any depressant or stimulant drug, except that this prohibition shall not apply to the...
- § 20-64-310 - Depressant and Stimulant Drugs -- Sale, Delivery, or Disposal Prohibited -- Exceptions.
No person shall sell, deliver, or otherwise dispose of any depressant or stimulant drug or counterfeit drug to any other person unless that person...
- § 20-64-311 - Depressant and Stimulant Drugs -- Possession Prohibited -- Exceptions.
No person other than a person described in § 20-64-309 or § 20-64-310(2) shall possess any depressant or stimulant drug unless: (1) The drug...
- § 20-64-312 - Depressant and Stimulant Drugs -- Falsely Obtaining or Attempting to Obtain Prohibited -- Exceptions.
(a) No person other than a person described in § 20-64-309(7) shall obtain or attempt to obtain a depressant or stimulant drug by: (1)...
- § 20-64-313 - Depressant and Stimulant Drugs -- Records by Certain Persons Required.
(a) (1) Every person engaged in manufacturing, compounding, processing, selling, delivering, or otherwise disposing of any depressant or stimulant drug shall, on and after...
- § 20-64-314 - Depressant and Stimulant Drugs -- Limitations on Filling of Prescriptions.
(a) (1) (A) A prescription for a depressant or stimulant drug shall not be filled or refilled more than six (6) months after the...
- § 20-64-315 - Depressant and Stimulant Drugs -- Exemptions From §§ 20-64-309 -- 20-64-315.
Depressant or stimulant drugs exempted under section 511(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and such other drugs as the State Board...
- § 20-64-316 - Authority of Department of Health Employees to Investigate, Examine, and Inspect.
Any officer or employee of the Department of Health designated by the Director of the Department of Health to conduct examinations, investigations, or inspections...
- § 20-64-317 - Rules and Regulations.
(a) The authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the efficient enforcement of this subchapter is vested in the State Board of Health.(b) Before...
Last modified: November 15, 2016