Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 4, Chapter 64, Subchapter 5 - Controlled Substances and Legend Drugs
- § 20-64-501 - Applicability.
Nothing in this subchapter shall apply to the sale of chemicals or poisons for use for nonmedical purposes, or for uses as insecticides or...
- § 20-64-502 - Construction.
(a) This subchapter shall be construed to repeal only those provisions of the pharmacy laws of Arkansas in direct and specific conflict herewith.(b) The...
- § 20-64-503 - Definitions.
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Blood" means whole blood collected from a single donor and processed either for...
- § 20-64-504 - Sales -- Permit Required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale by advertisement, circular, letter, sign, oral solicitation, or any other means...
- § 20-64-505 - Wholesale Distributor -- Permit Required.
(a) Every wholesale distributor who shall engage in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs, to include without limitation, manufacturing in this state, shipping into...
- § 20-64-506 - Wholesale Distributors -- Shipment to Certain Licensed Professionals.
(a) All wholesale distributors must, before shipping to a recipient in this state any prescription drug as defined in this subchapter, ascertain that the...
- § 20-64-507 - Regulations.
(a) The Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy shall adopt regulations for the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs which promote the public health and welfare...
- § 20-64-508 - Revocation or Suspension of Licenses.
The Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy may revoke or suspend an existing license or may refuse to issue a license under this subchapter if...
- § 20-64-509 - Penalties.
(a) After notice and hearing, whenever the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy has found a licensee to have committed any act enumerated in §...
- § 20-64-510 - Hearing Procedures.
The procedure for notice, hearing, and appeals therefrom shall be that of the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy set forth in § 17-92-313, and...
- § 20-64-511 - Violations.
A person violating any provision of this subchapter shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
- § 20-64-512 - Inspection of Records.
(a) (1) The Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy may conduct inspections upon all premises purporting or appearing to be used by a person licensed...
- § 20-64-513 - Injunctive Powers.
The Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy may, in its discretion and in addition to various remedies provided by law under this subchapter, apply to...
Last modified: November 15, 2016