Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 4, Chapter 64, Subchapter 8 - Persons Addicted to Alcohol or Drugs
- § 20-64-801 - Definitions.
As used in this subchapter: (1) "Administrator" refers to the chief administrative officer or executive director of any private or public facility or program...
- § 20-64-802 - Jurisdiction.
The circuit courts of this state shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the involuntary commitment procedures initiated pursuant to this subchapter. The circuit judge may...
- § 20-64-803 - Civil Immunity.
The prosecuting attorney, deputy prosecuting attorneys, the Prosecutor Coordinator, law enforcement officers, governing boards of the Division of Behavioral Health Services, employees of the...
- § 20-64-804 - Habeas Corpus.
Nothing in this subchapter shall in any way restrict the right of any person to attempt to secure his or her freedom by a...
- § 20-64-805 - Inspections -- Procedures.
(a) To assure compliance with this subchapter, the Division of Behavioral Health Services, through its authorized agents, may visit or investigate any receiving facility...
- § 20-64-806 -- 20-64-809 - [Reserved.]
- § 20-64-810 - Voluntary Admissions.
Any person who believes himself or herself to be addicted to alcohol or other drugs may apply to the administrator or his or her...
- § 20-64-811 - Continued Detention.
(a) If at any time the person who has voluntarily admitted himself or herself to a receiving facility or program makes a request to...
- § 20-64-812 - Absence From Receiving Facility or Program.
(a) (1) Treatment staff shall immediately inform the prosecuting attorney of the county where the receiving facility or program is located if, in the...
- § 20-64-813, 20-64-814 - [Reserved.]
- § 20-64-815 - Petition for Involuntary Commitment.
(a) Any person having any reason to believe that a person is homicidal, suicidal, or gravely disabled may file a petition with the clerk...
- § 20-64-816 - Petition for Immediate Detention.
(a) Any person filing a petition for involuntary commitment may append thereto a petition for immediate detention.(b) The request for immediate detention shall be...
- § 20-64-817 - Statement of Rights.
Every petition for involuntary commitment shall include or contain as an attachment the following statement of rights: (1) That the person has the right...
- § 20-64-818, 20-64-819 - [Reserved.]
- § 20-64-820 - Appointment of Counsel.
(a) If it appears to the court that a person sought to be committed is in need of counsel, counsel shall be appointed immediately...
- § 20-64-821 - Initial Hearing -- Determination -- Evaluation.
(a) In each case a hearing shall be set by the court within five (5) days, excluding weekends and holidays, of the filing of...
- § 20-64-822 - Pleadings -- Involuntary Commitment.
The pleadings in each case shall be deemed to conform to the proof. The court is hereby authorized to enter orders of involuntary commitment...
- § 20-64-823 - Filing of Petition -- Legal Representation.
The petition may be filed by the local prosecuting attorney, an attorney representing the petitioner, or pro se. The county shall establish an indigency...
- § 20-64-824 - Additional Commitment.
(a) An additional forty-five-day commitment order may be requested if in the opinion of the treatment staff a person remains suicidal, homicidal, or gravely...
- § 20-64-825 - Voluntary Status.
(a) At any time during detention, the person may be converted to voluntary status if the person's certified substance abuse counselor files a written...
- § 20-64-826 - Early Release.
(a) If any person is released from detention prior to the expiration of the period of commitment, the court may condition the release upon...
- § 20-64-827 - Appeals.
All commitment orders authorized herein shall be considered final and appealable under Rule 2 of the Arkansas Rules of Appellate Procedure -- Civil.
- § 20-64-828 - Presumption of Competency.
No person admitted voluntarily or committed involuntarily to a receiving facility or program under this subchapter shall be considered incompetent per se by virtue...
- § 20-64-829 - False Statements -- Penalty.
Any person willfully making false statements on a petition for involuntary commitment, petition for involuntary commitment with request for continued detention, or petition for...
- § 20-64-830 - Liability for Treatment -- Rules.
(a) (1) Any person legally obligated to support a person in treatment from a receiving facility or program shall pay to the receiving facility...
Last modified: November 15, 2016