Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 5, Chapter 77, Subchapter 19 - Assessment Fee on Hospitals to Improve Health Care Access

  • § 20-77-1901 - Definitions.
    As used in this subchapter: (1) "Division" means the Division of Medical Services of the Department of Human Services; (2) "Hospital" means a health...
  • § 20-77-1902 - Assessment.
    (a) (1) An assessment is imposed on each hospital except those exempted under § 20-77-1905 for each state fiscal year in an amount calculated...
  • § 20-77-1903 - Program Administration.
    (a) The Director of the Division of Medical Services of the Department of Human Services shall administer the assessment program created in this subchapter.(b)...
  • § 20-77-1904 - Hospital Assessment Account.
    (a) (1) There is created within the Arkansas Medicaid Program Trust Fund a designated account known as the "Hospital Assessment Account". (2) The hospital...
  • § 20-77-1905 - Exemptions.
    (a) The following hospitals shall be exempt from the assessment imposed under § 20-77-1902 unless the exemption is adjudged to be unconstitutional or otherwise...
  • § 20-77-1906 - Quarterly Notice and Collection.
    (a) (1) The annual assessment imposed under § 20-77-1902 shall be due and payable on a quarterly basis. (2) However, an installment payment of...
  • § 20-77-1907 - Notice of Assessment.
    (a) (1) The Division of Medical Services of the Department of Human Services shall send a notice of assessment to each hospital informing the...
  • § 20-77-1908 - Medicaid Hospital Access Payments.
    (a) To preserve and improve access to hospital services, for hospital inpatient and outpatient services rendered on or after July 1, 2009, the Division...
  • § 20-77-1909 - Effectiveness and Cessation.
    (a) The assessment imposed under § 20-77-1902 shall cease to be imposed, the Medicaid hospital access payments made under § 20-77-1908 shall cease to...
  • § 20-77-1910 - State Plan Amendment.
    (a) The Division of Medical Services of the Department of Human Services shall file with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services a state...

Last modified: November 15, 2016