Arkansas Code § 21-14-108 - Expiration Date of Commission

(a) (1) Every notary public shall attach to any certificate of acknowledgment or jurat to an affidavit that he or she may make a statement of the date on which his or her commission will expire.

(2) No acknowledgment or other act of a notary public shall be held invalid on account of the failure to comply with this section.

(b) No notary public shall perform any official act after the expiration of his or her commission as evidenced by his or her certificate.

(c) Sixty (60) calendar days prior to the expiration of a notary public's commission, he or she shall submit to the Secretary of State a new application along with the fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for the renewal of the commission.

(d) Every notary public shall file in the office of the recorder of deeds for the county where the notary public resides or if the notary public is a resident of an adjoining state, in the office of the recorder of deeds for the county in Arkansas where employed, either:

(1) A surety bond executed by a surety insurer authorized to do business in Arkansas for the faithful discharge of the notary public's duties in the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500), to be approved by the Secretary of State; or

(2) A surety contract guaranteeing the notary public's faithful discharge of his or her duties executed to the State of Arkansas for not more than an aggregate seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500), issued by a general business corporation validly organized and formed under the laws of this state pertaining to domestic corporations and which:

(A) Has previously registered with the Insurance Commissioner on forms prescribed by the commissioner evidencing the corporation's purpose to issue only surety contracts for notaries public pursuant to the provisions of this section;

(B) Has deposited and maintains with the commissioner securities in the sum of not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) executed to the State of Arkansas that are issued by a nonaffiliated corporate entity and are approved by the commissioner; and

(C) Is not otherwise transacting any insurance business in this state that requires compliance with the provisions of the Arkansas Insurance Code.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016