Arkansas Code § 23-64-218 - Return of License to Insurance Commissioner

(a) (1) All licenses issued under this chapter, although issued and delivered to the licensee, shall at all times be the property of the State of Arkansas.

(2) Upon any expiration, termination, suspension, or revocation of the license, the licensee or other person having possession or custody of the license shall immediately deliver it to the Insurance Commissioner either by personal delivery or by mail.

(b) As to any license lost, stolen, or destroyed while in the possession of any licensee or person, the commissioner may accept, in lieu of return of the license, the affidavit of the licensee or other person responsible for or involved in the safekeeping of the license concerning the facts of the loss, theft, or destruction.

(c) Any licensee who ceases to maintain his or her residence in this state shall deliver his or her insurance license to the commissioner within ten (10) days after terminating his or her residency.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016