(a) Every holder of shares of stock of a domestic stock insurer not fully paid shall be personally liable to the insurer's creditors for the insurer's debts to an amount equal to the amount unpaid on the shares held by him or her.
(b) Anything in ยงยง 23-69-101 -- 23-69-103, 23-69-105 -- 23-69-141, 23-69-143, and 23-69-149 -- 23-69-156 to the contrary notwithstanding, a holder of shares who has acquired the shares in good faith without knowledge that they were not paid in full or to the extent stated in the certificate for the shares shall not be liable either to the insurer or to its creditors for any amount beyond that shown by the certificate to be unpaid on the shares represented thereby.
(c) Any holder who derives his or her title through such a holder and who is not himself or herself a party to any fraud affecting the issuance of the shares shall have all the rights of the former owner.
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