Arkansas Code § 24-4-1108 - Benefit Provisions -- Death in Service

(a) (1) If an active member or former member with less than five (5) years of actual service dies while employed by a covered employer, the member's accumulated contributions and interest are refundable to the named beneficiary.

(2) If no designated person survives the member, the accumulated contributions will be paid in accordance with the laws of descent and distribution of the State of Arkansas.

(3) The payments may be made directly to a curator, guardian, administrator, or executor authorized to receive the payments with or without the appointment of a representative in this state.

(b) If an active member or former member with five (5) or more years of actual service dies before retirement, the benefits under this section will be paid upon written application to the Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Public Employees' Retirement System as provided in ยง 24-4-608.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016