Arkansas Code Title 24, Chapter 11, Subchapter 4 - Police Pension and Relief Funds -- Cities of the First Class
- § 24-11-401 - Applicability.
This subchapter shall not apply to any city that had a policemen's pension and relief fund on June 10, 1937.
- § 24-11-402 - Vote to Effect Subchapter.
(a) The provisions of this subchapter shall be suspended and inoperative in any city affected by the provisions of this subchapter until made available...
- § 24-11-403 - Creation of Fund -- Tax Levy.
(a) Annually, a tax not to exceed one (1) mill on the dollar of all taxable property in any cities or towns in this...
- § 24-11-404 - Tax Levy for Pensions in Cities of First and Second Class.
(a) (1) After being once approved by a majority of those voting on the question at any general or special election in any city...
- § 24-11-405 - Board of Trustees.
(a) The board of trustees of the policemen's pension and relief fund shall consist of seven (7) members as follows: (1) The chief executive...
- § 24-11-406 - Administration of Small Funds by Arkansas Local Police and Fire Retirement System.
(a) (1) In those local police pension and relief funds that cover fewer than five (5) members, a local board of trustees may no...
- § 24-11-407 - List of Retired Police Officers.
(a) There shall be kept in the office of the board of trustees by the secretary a book known as the list of retired...
- § 24-11-408 - Treasurer As Custodian of Fund.
(a) The treasurer shall be the custodian of the pension fund and shall keep his or her books and accounts concerning the funds in...
- § 24-11-409 - Deposit of Moneys.
The board shall deposit all moneys in the bank selected as the fiscal agent of the city in which it is located, but only...
- § 24-11-410 - Investment.
(a) The board of trustees of the policemen's pension and relief fund shall have the power to draw sums from its treasury, only upon...
- § 24-11-411 - Payments.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, all moneys paid from the pension and relief fund shall be paid by the...
- § 24-11-412 - Report on Condition of Fund.
The board of trustees shall report to the council or city commission the condition of the pension fund on the first regular meeting in...
- § 24-11-413 - Moneys Added to Fund -- Contributions.
(a) There shall be added to the policemen's pension and relief fund the following moneys: (1) All forfeitures and fines imposed upon any member...
- § 24-11-414 - [Repealed.]
- § 24-11-415 - Proceeds Derived From Sale of Confiscated Goods.
(a) (1) (A) In all cities and towns, all goods confiscated by a police officer of the city, by the sheriff, or by an...
- § 24-11-416 - Proration Where Fund Insufficient.
If at any time there should not be sufficient money in the fund to pay each person a full amount to which he or...
- § 24-11-417 - Subjection of Fund to Legal Process.
(a) No portion of the policemen's pension and relief fund shall at any time be subject to seizure or levy under any process whatsoever...
- § 24-11-418 - Former Military Service Credit Purchase.
(a) Any active member of a policemen's pension and relief fund may purchase credited service in the pension fund equivalent to a period not...
- § 24-11-419 - [Repealed.]
- § 24-11-420 - [Repealed.]
- § 24-11-421 - Credited Service -- Restoration.
(a) (1) In the event a former member again becomes an employee of the same police department where previously employed, the police officer shall...
- § 24-11-422 - Benefits -- Voluntary Retirement.
(a) (1) (A) Any member of a police department who has performed faithful service for a period of at least twenty (20) years shall...
- § 24-11-423 - Benefits -- Disability Retirement.
(a) (1) (A) If any member of a police department becomes physically or mentally permanently disabled and this fact is certified by a physician...
- § 24-11-424 - Benefits -- Retirant Receiving Less Than One-Half Salary.
Retired police officers who are eligible to receive benefits from a policemen's pension and relief fund shall receive from the policemen's pension and relief...
- § 24-11-425 - Benefits -- Death of Active or Retired Member.
(a) (1) (A) If any active police officer or any retired member dies from any cause, leaving a surviving spouse, then the board of...
- § 24-11-426 - Optional Vesting Rights Policy.
(a) (1) Upon an actuarial determination that the policemen's pension and relief fund will remain actuarially sound, the board of trustees of a local...
- § 24-11-427 - [Repealed.]
- § 24-11-428 - Return of Salary Deductions.
In the event of resignation or discharge from the police department of any member thereof, all moneys deducted from his or her salary shall...
- § 24-11-429 - Vacation Pay.
The head or chief of each police department shall arrange that each employee shall be granted an annual vacation of not fewer than fifteen...
- § 24-11-430 - Death Benefit.
(a) When an active or retired police officer dies, the board of trustees shall pay from the fund a sum of not less than...
- § 24-11-431 - [Repealed.]
- § 24-11-432 - Additional Benefits for Certain Officers Hired Prior to January 1, 1983.
(a) Beginning July 1, 1987, in addition to the monthly pension benefits as set forth in ยงยง 24-11-401 -- 24-11-403, 24-11-405 -- 24-11-413, 24-11-416,...
- § 24-11-433 - Police Pension Funds -- Partial Disability Pensions.
(a) (1) If a member of a police department of a city of the first class with a population in excess of one hundred...
- § 24-11-434 - Deferred Retirement Option Plan.
(a) (1) In lieu of terminating employment and accepting a service retirement pension under this subchapter, a police officer who is a member of...
- § 24-11-435 - [Repealed.]
- § 24-11-436 - Military Service.
(a) If a member of a policemen's pension and relief fund who while an employee enters the United States Armed Forces during any period...
- § 24-11-437 - Credited Service -- Purchase of Former Law Enforcement Service.
(a) If the local board of trustees for a policemen's pension and relief fund decides to extend this benefit for its members and if...
- § 24-11-438 - Police-Related Service.
(a) Any member of a policemen's pension and relief fund who has police-related service with the municipal government shall be entitled to purchase credited...
Last modified: November 15, 2016