Arkansas Code Title 26, Subtitle 5, Chapter 51, Subchapter 22 - Arkansas Historic Rehabilitation Income Tax Credit Act

  • § 26-51-2201 - Title.
    This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Arkansas Historic Rehabilitation Income Tax Credit Act".
  • § 26-51-2202 - Purpose.
    The purpose of this subchapter is to encourage economic development and community revitalization within existing state and federal infrastructure by providing an income tax...
  • § 26-51-2203 - Definitions.
    As used in this subchapter: (1) "Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit" means an income tax credit against the income tax imposed by the...
  • § 26-51-2204 - Arkansas Historic Rehabilitation Income Tax Credit.
    (a) (1) There is allowed an income tax credit up to the amount of tax imposed by the Income Tax Act of 1929, §...
  • § 26-51-2205 - Procedure to Claim Tax Credit -- Transferring Credit.
    (a) (1) A holder shall submit the certification of completion and documents proving an assignment, if any, with the appropriate tax collection authority at...
  • § 26-51-2206 - Fees.
    (a) (1) The Department of Arkansas Heritage may charge a fee to process: (A) An application for an Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit;...
  • § 26-51-2207 - Rules.
    (a) The Department of Arkansas Heritage shall promulgate rules to implement this subchapter that shall include criteria for the prioritizing of the rehabilitation applications...
  • § 26-51-2208 - Effective Dates.
    This subchapter is effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, and ending on or before December 31, 2027.

Last modified: November 15, 2016