Arkansas Code § 27-51-1305 - Removal of Motor Vehicles Parked Without Authority in Parking Lots

(a) Consistent with the procedures of ยง 27-50-1101, the owner of a parking lot, his or her agent, or the lessee of a space in a parking lot may cause any motor vehicle which is parked on the lot without the consent of the owner of the lot or of his or her agent or which is parked in the space of the lessee without the consent of the lessee to be removed and stored at the expense of the owner or operator of the vehicle if a readable sign is prominently placed at each entrance to the lot specifying those persons who may park in the lot and prohibiting parking therein by all others.

(b) The owner of a lot or the lessee of a space in a lot who has an unauthorized vehicle removed and stored under the provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not be liable for damages incurred by the owner or operator of an unauthorized vehicle as a result of removal or storage if the vehicle is removed by an insured vehicle wrecker service and stored by an insured storage company.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016