Arkansas Code § 27-65-111 - Purchase of Equipment and Supplies

The following procedures shall be used by the State Highway Commission in the purchasing of all materials, supplies, and equipment:

(1) The commission may at current prices purchase materials, supplies, and equipment where the cost does not exceed the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000) without the formality of advertising or taking bids; and

(2) (A) In making purchases of materials, supplies, and equipment, the estimated total cost of which will exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), the commission shall advertise in one (1) newspaper of statewide circulation seven (7) days prior to the date of receiving bids a notice to the effect that sealed bids will be received by the commission up to a time and date to be mentioned therein for furnishing the articles specified in the bid proposal.

(B) Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, price, quality, delivery cost, and time being considered. The commission shall advertise for price quotations on maintenance materials to be used for a six-month period, location and delivery cost to be considered in computing bids. However, if, in the opinion of the commission, bids submitted are not in the best interest of the state, it may reject any or all bids and may readvertise for bids.

(C) All bids received by the commission pursuant to this section shall be filed and preserved for a period of two (2) years.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016