Arkansas Code § 27-69-102 - Department Acquisition of Land and Conveyance to the United States

(a) The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department is designated, authorized, and directed as the state agency of this state to acquire by gift, purchase, or condemnation as a public highway and convey to the United States all parkway lands and easements as and when required by surveys and maps hereafter approved by the Secretary of the Interior.

(b) If, as a result of required surveys, maps, and estimates, the United States Secretary of the Interior shall be satisfied that one (1) or more desirable parkway routes are available and the President shall approve thereof, then the department may accept donations of and acquire lands, interests in lands, islands, waters, easements, and other properties bordering the Mississippi River. Thereafter the department may convey them to the United States on behalf of this state or of its political subdivisions. Private parties may convey necessary or convenient properties or easements for the projected parkway, together with sites in connection therewith acquired or to be acquired for recreational or naturalistic purposes.

(c) Thereafter, the areas together with the parkway right-of-way of a width sufficient to include the road and all bridges, ditches, cuts, and fills appurtenant thereto shall constitute the national parkway in this state.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016