(a) When, prior to his or her incapacity, an incapacitated person has entered into a valid contract for the purchase or sale of any interest in real or personal property, including the sale or relinquishment of a dower or homestead interest, and the contract has not been performed prior to the inception of incapacitation, the court, upon petition of the guardian, the seller or purchaser, or other interested person, if it finds that performance of the contract would have been required on the part of the incapacitated person if the incapacitation had not intervened, may authorize the guardian to complete the performance of the contract and to execute or join in the execution of the deed of conveyance, bill of sale, or other appropriate instrument in the name and in behalf of the incapacitated person pursuant to the terms of the original contract.
(b) The conveyance, bill of sale, or other instrument shall have the same effect with respect to the estate, title, or interest of the incapacitated person as if executed by him or her personally while incapacitated.
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