Arkansas Code Title 28, Subtitle 4, Chapter 40, Subchapter 3 - Proving a Lost or Destroyed Will
§ 28-40-301 - Circuit Court Jurisdiction.
Whenever any will shall be lost, or destroyed by accident or design, the circuit court shall have the same power to take proof of...
§ 28-40-302 - Proving Will.
No will of any testator shall be allowed to be proved as a lost or destroyed will unless: (1) The provisions are clearly and...
§ 28-40-303 - Record of Decree.
(a) Upon a lost or destroyed will's being established by the decree of a competent court, the decree shall be recorded by the probate...
§ 28-40-304 - Restraint of Administrator.
If, before or during the pendency of an application to prove a lost or destroyed will, letters of administration are granted on the estate...