Arkansas Code § 3-4-602 - Distillers or Manufacturers

(a) Any person may apply to the Director of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division for a permit to manufacture, distill, import, transport, store, and sell to a wholesaler, jobber, or distributor spirituous, vinous (except wines), or malt liquors to be used and sold for beverage purposes.

(b) The application shall be in writing and verified and shall set forth in detail such information concerning the applicant for the permit and the premises to be used therefor as the director shall require.

(c) The application shall be accompanied by a certified check, cash, or postal money order for the amount required by this act for the permit.

(d) If the director shall grant the application, he or she shall issue a permit in such form as shall be determined by rules and regulations established by the director.

(e) The permit shall contain a description of the premises to be used by the applicant and in form and in substance shall be a permit to the person therein specifically designated to manufacture, distill, transport, and sell to a wholesaler, jobber, or distributor spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors in or from the premises therein specifically authorized.

(f) No distiller or manufacturer shall sell or contract to sell any spirituous, vinous (except wines), or malt liquors referred to herein to any wholesaler, distributor, or jobber, or to any other person who is not duly authorized under this act to receive, possess, transport, distribute, or sell those liquors.

(g) Under rules adopted by the director, a distiller or manufacturer may:

(1) Sell, deliver, or transport to wholesalers;

(2) Sell, deliver, or transport to rectifiers;

(3) Export out of the state; and

(4) Sell for off-premises consumption spirituous liquors the distiller or manufacturer manufactures on any day of the week.

(h) (1) For the privilege of distilling spirituous liquors or manufacturing malt liquors, each person engaged in distilling spirituous liquors or manufacturing malt liquors shall pay an annual permit fee of three hundred dollars ($300) for each manufacturing or distilling plant.

(2) For the privilege of manufacturing vinous liquors (except wines), there is assessed and there shall be paid an annual permit fee of and by every person engaged therein. The permit fee shall be in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) for each and every manufacturing plant.

(3) However, for the privilege of distilling brandy or spirituous liquors for use only in the fortifying of native wines, which are wines manufactured from the juices of grapes, berries, and other fruits or vegetables grown in this state, there shall be collected an annual permit fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for each manufacturing or distilling plant.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016