Arkansas Code § 4-111-102 - Definitions

As used in this chapter:

(1) "Advertisement" means a communication, the primary purpose of which is the commercial promotion of a commercial product or service, including content on an Internet website operated for a commercial purpose;

(2) "Authorized user", with respect to a computer, means a person that owns or is authorized by the owner or lessee to use the computer;

(3) "Bundled software" means software that is acquired through the installation of a large number of separate programs in a single installation when the programs are wholly unrelated to the purpose of the installation as described to the authorized user;

(4) (A) "Cause to be copied" means to distribute or transfer computer software or any component of computer software.

(B) "Cause to be copied" does not include providing:

(i) Transmission, routing, intermediate temporary storage, or caching of software;

(ii) A compact disk, website, computer server, or other storage medium through which the software was distributed by a third party; or

(iii) A directory, index, reference, pointer, hypertext link, or other information location tool through which the user of the computer located the software;

(5) "Computer software" means a sequence of instructions written in any programming language that is executed on a computer but does not include a text or data file, including a cookie;

(6) "Computer virus" means a computer program or other set of instructions that is designed to do the following acts without the authorization of the owner or owners of a computer or computer network:

(A) Degrade the performance of or disable a computer or computer network; and

(B) Have the ability to replicate itself on another computer or computer network;

(7) "Damage" means any significant impairment to the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of data, software, a system, or information, including, but not limited to, the:

(A) Significant and intentional degradation of the performance of a computer or a computer network; or

(B) Intentional disabling of a computer or computer network;

(8) "Distributed denial of service" or "DDoS attack" means techniques or actions involving the use of one (1) or more damaged computers to damage another computer or a targeted computer system in order to shut the computer or computer system down and deny the service of the damaged computer or computer system to legitimate users;

(9) "Execute", when used with respect to computer software, means the performance of the functions or the carrying out of the instructions of the computer software;

(10) "Hardware" means a comprehensive term for all of the discrete physical parts of a computer as distinguished from:

(A) The data the computer contains or that enables it to operate; and

(B) The software that provides instructions for the hardware to accomplish tasks;

(11) "Intentionally deceptive" means with the intent to deceive an authorized user in order to either damage a computer or computer system or wrongfully obtain personally identifiable information without authority:

(A) To make an intentional and materially false or fraudulent statement;

(B) To make a statement or description that intentionally omits or misrepresents material information; or

(C) An intentional and material failure to provide any notice to an authorized user regarding the download or installation of software;

(12) "Internet" means:

(A) The international computer network of both federal and nonfederal interoperable packet switched data networks; or

(B) The global information system that:

(i) Is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions;

(ii) Is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite, its subsequent extensions, or other IP-compatible protocols; and

(iii) Provides, uses, or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high-level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described in this subdivision (12);

(13) "Internet address" means a specific location on the Internet accessible through a universal resource locator or Internet protocol address;

(14) "Person" means one (1) or more individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, or other organizations;

(15) "Personally identifiable information" means any of the following if it allows the entity holding the information to identify an authorized user by:

(A) First name or first initial in combination with last name;

(B) Credit or debit card numbers or other financial account numbers;

(C) A password or personal identification number or other identification required to access an identified account other than a password, personal identification number, or other identification transmitted by an authorized user to the issuer of the account or its agent;

(D) A social security number; or

(E) Any of the following information in a form that personally identifies an authorized user:

(i) Account balances;

(ii) Overdraft history;

(iii) Payment history;

(iv) A history of websites visited;

(v) Home address;

(vi) Work address; or

(vii) A record of a purchase or purchases; and

(16) "Phishing" means the use of electronic mail or other means to imitate a legitimate company or business in order to entice the user into divulging passwords, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information for the purpose of committing theft or fraud.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016