Arkansas Code § 4-88-114 - Voluntary Compliance

(a) (1) In the administration of this chapter, the Attorney General may accept an assurance of voluntary compliance with respect to any method, act, or practice deemed to be violative of the provisions of this chapter from any person who has engaged in or was about to engage in the method, act, or practice.

(2) Any such assurance shall be in writing and may be enforced by petitioning the circuit court of the county in which the alleged violator resides or has his principal place of business, or the Pulaski County Circuit Court.

(3) Such assurance of voluntary compliance shall not be considered an admission of violation for any purpose.

(b) (1) The assurance of voluntary compliance shall provide for the discontinuance by the person entering into the same of any method, act, or practice alleged to be a violation of this chapter, and it may include a stipulation for the payment by such person of reasonable expenses, investigative costs, and attorney's fees incurred by the Attorney General.

(2) The assurance may also include a stipulation for payment to consumers of actual damages or for restitution of money, property, or other things received from consumers in connection with a violation of the provisions of this chapter, and a stipulation for specific performance.

(c) A finding by a circuit court that a violation of such assurance of voluntary compliance has occurred shall prima facie establish that the person subject thereto knows, or in the exercise of due care should know, that he or she has in the past violated or is violating the provisions of this chapter.

(d) The assurance of voluntary compliance shall not be admissible into evidence in any separate criminal proceeding within the meaning of this chapter.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016