Arkansas Code § 4-89-102 - Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) "Appropriate trade premises" means premises at which either the owner or seller normally carries on a business or where goods are normally offered or exposed for sale in the course of business carried on at those premises;

(2) "Deceptive trade practices" means the following acts of a seller in connection with any home solicitation sale, and the following acts constitute a violation of this chapter:

(A) Failure to comply with any requirement of ยงยง 4-89-107 and 4-89-109; or

(B) Misrepresenting in any manner the consumer's right to cancel; or

(C) Representing directly or indirectly that the seller is primarily conducting or participating in any survey, quiz, or contest or is primarily engaged in any activity other than soliciting business or misrepresenting in any manner the purpose of the call or solicitation; or

(D) Representing directly or indirectly that any offer to sell goods or services is being made only to specially selected persons or misrepresenting in any manner the persons or class of persons afforded the opportunity of purchasing the seller's goods or services; or

(E) Representing directly or indirectly that any sale or service is being offered for any organization, individual, or firm other than the one engaged in soliciting business or misrepresenting in any manner the identity of the solicitor or his or her firm and of the business in which he or she is engaged; or

(F) Representing directly or indirectly that any merchandise or service is free or is provided as a gift or without cost or charge in connection with the purchase of goods or services, unless the price of the goods or services required to be purchased in order to obtain the free merchandise or gift is disclosed; or

(G) Representing directly or indirectly that any price is a special or reduced price, unless it constitutes a significant reduction from the seller's established selling price at which the goods or services have been sold in substantial quantities in the recent and regular course of trade or misrepresenting in any manner the savings which the consumer will receive; or

(H) Failing to disclose clearly and unqualifiedly at the initial contact or solicitation and at all subsequent contacts or solicitations, whether by telephone, written communication, or person-to-person, that the purpose of the contact or solicitation is to sell goods or services; or

(I) Failing to disclose clearly and conspicuously, both orally and in writing in the contract:

(i) The total cash price;

(ii) The down payment;

(iii) The unpaid balance of the cash price;

(iv) The number, amount, and due dates of payments necessary to pay the unpaid balance in full; and

(v) An accurate description of the goods or services purchased;

(3) "Goods" means tangible chattels bought for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, including certificates or coupons exchangeable for such goods, and including goods which, at the time of the sale or subsequently, are to be so affixed to real property as to become a part of such real property whether or not severable therefrom;

(4) (A) "Home solicitation sale" means a cash sale or a consumer credit sale of goods, other than insurance, or services in which the seller or a person acting for him or her engages in a personal solicitation of the sale at other than appropriate trade premises in an amount more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).

(B) This definition also includes all telephone sales in which the seller has initiated contact, regardless of his or her location, and the consumer's agreement to purchase is made at the consumer's home.

(C) It does not include a sale made pursuant to prior negotiations between the parties at a business establishment, at a fixed location, where goods or services are offered or exhibited for sale, or a sale in which the buyer has initiated the contact and specifically requested the seller to visit his or her home for the purpose of repairing or performing maintenance upon the buyer's personal property. If, in the course of such a visit, the seller sells the buyer the right to receive additional services or goods other than replacement parts necessarily used in performing the maintenance or in making the repairs, the sale of those additional goods or services would not fall within this exclusion.

(D) The term "home solicitation sale" does not include a transaction involving an order for goods to be delivered at one (1) time if:

(i) The order is evidenced only by a sales ticket or invoice which the buyer is not required to sign;

(ii) The buyer makes no payment prior to delivery of the goods;

(iii) The goods are not delivered within three (3) business days of the date of the order;

(iv) The buyer may refuse to accept the goods when they are delivered without incurring any obligation to pay for them or the expenses associated with the transaction, including mailing or shipping charges, or the buyer may, upon inspecting the goods after delivery, return them within three (3) business days to the seller and receive a full refund for any amounts the buyer has paid, including mailing and shipping charges; and

(v) The buyer's right to cancel the order, refuse delivery, or return the goods without obligation or charge is clearly and unmistakably set forth on the face or reverse side of the sales ticket or invoice;

(5) "Seller" means any person, partnership, corporation, or association engaged in the door-to-door or telephone sale of consumer goods or services; and

(6) "Services" means work, labor, or other services furnished primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, including, but not limited to, services in connection with the repair, alteration, or improvement of residential premises, courses of instruction or training regardless of the purpose for which they are taken, and services furnished in connection with the sale or repair of goods, but does not include the services of attorneys, real estate brokers and salesmen, securities dealers or investment counselors, physicians, optometrists, or dentists.

Section: 4-89-102  4-89-103  4-89-104  4-89-105  4-89-106  4-89-107  4-89-108  4-89-109  4-89-110    Next

Last modified: November 15, 2016