Arkansas Code § 4-90-406 - Failure to Make Required Repairs

(a) (1) After three (3) attempts have been made to repair the same nonconformity that substantially impairs the motor vehicle, or after one (1) attempt to repair a nonconformity that is likely to cause death or serious bodily injury, the consumer shall give written notification, by certified or registered mail, to the manufacturer of the need to repair the nonconformity in order to allow the manufacturer a final attempt to cure the nonconformity.

(2) The manufacturer shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of the notification, notify and provide the consumer with the opportunity to have the vehicle repaired at a reasonably accessible repair facility, and, after delivery of the vehicle to the designated repair facility by the consumer, the manufacturer shall, within ten (10) days, conform the motor vehicle to the warranty.

(3) If the manufacturer fails to notify and provide the consumer with the opportunity to have the vehicle repaired at a reasonably accessible repair facility or fails to perform the repairs within the time periods prescribed in this subsection, the requirement that the manufacturer be given a final attempt to cure the nonconformity does not apply and a nonrebuttable presumption of a reasonable number of attempts to repair arises.

(b) (1) (A) If the manufacturer, its agent, or authorized dealer has not conformed the motor vehicle to the warranty by repairing or correcting one (1) or more nonconformities that substantially impair the motor vehicle after a reasonable number of attempts, the manufacturer, within forty (40) days, shall:

(i) At the time of its receipt of payment of a reasonable offset for use by the consumer, replace the motor vehicle with a replacement motor vehicle acceptable to the consumer; or

(ii) Repurchase the motor vehicle from the consumer or lessor and refund to the consumer or lessor the full purchase price or lease price, less a reasonable offset for use and less a reasonable offset for physical damage sustained to the vehicle while under the ownership of the consumer.

(B) The replacement or refund shall include payment of all collateral and reasonably incurred incidental charges.

(2) (A) The consumer shall have an unconditional right to choose a refund rather than a replacement.

(B) At the time of the refund or replacement, the consumer, lienholder, or lessor shall furnish to the manufacturer clear title to and possession of the motor vehicle.

(3) The amount of reasonable offset for use by the consumer shall be determined by multiplying the actual price of the new motor vehicle paid or payable by the consumer, including any charges for transportation and manufacturer-installed or agent-installed options, by a fraction having as its denominator one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) and having as its numerator the number of miles traveled by the new motor vehicle prior to the time the buyer first delivered the vehicle to the manufacturer, its agent, or authorized dealer for correction of the problem that gave rise to the nonconformity.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016