Arkansas Code § 4-99-104 - Registration Procedures -- Fees -- Duration

(a) (1) Not less than ten (10) days prior to doing business in this state, a telephonic seller shall register with the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General by filing the information required by this chapter and a filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100).

(2) A seller shall be deemed to do business in this state if the seller solicits prospective purchasers from locations in this state or solicits prospective purchasers who are located in this state.

(b) Registration of a telephonic seller shall be valid for one (1) year from the effective date thereof and may be renewed by making the filing required by this chapter and paying a filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100).

(c) The information required by this chapter shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the Attorney General and shall be verified by a declaration signed by each principal of the telephonic seller under penalty of perjury.

(d) Whenever, prior to expiration of a seller's annual registration, there is a material change in the information required under this chapter, the seller shall, within ten (10) days, file an addendum updating the information with the division. However, changes in salespersons soliciting on behalf of a seller shall be updated in quarterly intervals computed from the effective date of registration.

(e) (1) Upon receipt of a filing and filing fee pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) of this section, the division shall send the telephonic seller a written confirmation of registration.

(2) If the seller has more than one (1) business location, the confirmation of registration shall be sent to the principal business location identified in the seller's filing in sufficient number so that the seller has a confirmation of registration for each location to be displayed in a conspicuous place at each of the seller's business locations and available for inspection by any governmental agency at each location.

(3) Until confirmation of registration is received and posted, the seller shall post in a conspicuous place at each of the seller's business locations within this state a copy of the first page of the registration form sent to the division.

(f) (1) Every salesperson must be employed in a principal-agent relationship by a telephonic seller registered pursuant to this chapter and shall, within seventy-two (72) hours after accepting such employment, register with the division.

(2) Application for registration shall be on a form prescribed by the Attorney General, verified by a declaration signed by each salesperson under penalty of perjury, and shall be accompanied by a fee in the sum of ten dollars ($10.00).

(3) When effective, such registration shall be for a period of one (1) year and may be renewed upon the payment of the fee prescribed in this section for additional one-year periods.

(g) All fees collected by the Attorney General under this section shall be deposited in the State Treasury as general revenues.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016