Arkansas Code Title 4, Subtitle 7, Chapter 104, Subchapter 2 - College Campuses
§ 4-104-201 - Definitions.
As used in this subchapter: (1) "Credit card" means: (A) Any card, plate, or other single credit device that may be used from time...
§ 4-104-202 - Face-To-face Solicitations.
(a) (1) It is unlawful to: (A) Solicit any person to apply for a credit card in an academic building and within one hundred...
§ 4-104-203 - Solicitations At Athletic Events.
If the institution of higher learning permits solicitations at athletic events, the institution shall include a credit seminar within the institution's freshman orientation.
§ 4-104-204 - Violations -- Penalties.
Any credit card issuer violating this subchapter shall be guilty of a violation and fined not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more...