Arkansas Code Title 4, Subtitle 7, Chapter 88, Subchapter 2 - Enhanced Penalties When Elder or Disabled Persons are Targeted
§ 4-88-201 - Definitions.
(a) "Elder person" means a person who is sixty (60) years of age or older.(b) "Disabled person" means a person who has a physical...
§ 4-88-202 - Civil Penalty -- Disposition of Funds.
(a) If any person is found to have violated any provision of this chapter, including unlawful practices related to charitable solicitations, and the violation...
§ 4-88-203 - Determination of Civil Penalty.
In determining whether to impose an enhanced civil penalty under this subchapter and the amount thereof, the court shall consider the extent to which...
§ 4-88-204 - Cause of Action.
An elder or disabled person who suffers damage or injury as a result of an offense or violation described in this chapter has a...
§ 4-88-205 - Education Initiatives.
The Attorney General shall, pursuant to the funds allocated in this subchapter, develop and implement statewide educational initiatives to inform elder persons and disabled...