Arkansas Code § 5-54-126 - Killing or Injuring Animals Used by Law Enforcement or Search and Rescue Dogs

(a) Any person who:

(1) Purposely kills or physically injures;

(2) Purposely causes physical contact that is of a nature likely to cause physical injury to; or

(3) Attempts to cause physical contact that is of a nature likely to cause physical injury to,

any animal owned by or used by a law enforcement agency or any search and rescue dog upon conviction is guilty of a Class D felony.

(b) A person who purposely interferes with or obstructs an animal owned by or used by a law enforcement agency or a search and rescue dog used by a law enforcement officer in the discharge or attempted discharge of his or her duties upon conviction is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

(c) As used in this section, "search and rescue dog" means a dog:

(1) In training for or trained for the purpose of search and rescue;

(2) Owned by an independent handler or member of a search and rescue team;

(3) Used in conjunction with a local law enforcement organization or an emergency services organization for the purpose of locating a missing person or evidence of arson;

(4) Trained for the purpose of locating controlled substances; or

(5) Trained to assist in the apprehension of persons alleged to have violated any law.

(d) A person guilty of violating this section is also required to make restitution to the law enforcement agency or owner of the animal that suffered a loss due to the violation, including without limitation reimbursement for veterinary bills, and the replacement cost of the animal if the animal is permanently disabled or killed as a result of the violation.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016