Arkansas Code § 5-77-204 - Emergency Lights and Sirens -- Prohibited Persons

(a) It is unlawful for a person who has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to or has been found guilty of a felony or domestic battering in the third degree, § 5-26-305, or a person required to register as a sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration Act of 1997, § 12-12-901 et seq., to knowingly:

(1) Purchase or possess an emergency vehicle light or siren with a purpose to install or use the emergency vehicle light or siren on a motor vehicle that reasonably appears to be or that mimics a law enforcement vehicle;

(2) Install or use an emergency vehicle light or siren on a motor vehicle that reasonably appears to be or that mimics a law enforcement vehicle; or

(3) Operate a motor vehicle that reasonably appears to be or that mimics a law enforcement vehicle and the motor vehicle has an emergency vehicle light or siren installed on the motor vehicle or in use on the motor vehicle.

(b) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the person was a certified law enforcement officer acting within the scope of his or her duty.

(c) As used in this section:

(1) "Emergency vehicle light" means a device that emits a light of any color and that is:

(A) Designed for use by an emergency vehicle; or

(B) Similar in appearance to a device designed for use by an emergency vehicle;

(2) "Law enforcement vehicle" means any vehicle owned or operated by a law enforcement agency; and

(3) "Siren" means an acoustic or electronic device producing a loud or wailing sound as a signal or warning.

(d) A violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016