Arkansas Code § 6-15-406 - Assessment of Basic Skills

The comprehensive testing, assessment, and accountability program to be developed by the Department of Education and approved by the State Board of Education shall include, but is not limited to, the following components or characteristics:

(1) Assessment of academic achievement at grade levels selected to be tested by the department;

(2) Longitudinal and trend data collection for the purposes of improving student and school performance;

(3) A variety of assessment methods;

(4) Construction of a database composed of academic performance indicators that shall apply to every school and school district in the state that will allow the department, over time, to identify those schools and school districts that are performing at or below proficient levels established under this subchapter;

(5) Meaningful comparisons of Arkansas students with those of other states, regions, and the nation through the National Assessment of Educational Progress examination and other examinations; and

(6) Review and assistance to the department in developing the comprehensive testing, assessment, and accountability program by a panel of external psychometric experts.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016