Arkansas Code § 6-52-103 - Powers and Duties

The State Board of Career Education, through the Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, shall provide the rehabilitation services authorized by this subchapter to eligible physically or mentally disabled individuals and those who can benefit from independent living services, determined by the agency to be eligible therefor, and, in carrying out the purposes of this subchapter, the Arkansas Rehabilitation Services is authorized, among other things:

(1) To be the sole state agency to supervise and administer the rehabilitation services authorized by this subchapter except such part or parts as may be administered by a local agency in a political subdivision of the state, in which case the service shall be the sole agency to supervise such local agency in the administration of such part or parts; and

(2) To conduct research and compile statistics relative to the provision of services or the need of services of disabled individuals.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016