Arkansas Code § 7-7-201 - Law Governing Primary Elections

(a) The cost of political party primaries shall be borne by the State of Arkansas and shall be paid from an appropriation made to the State Board of Election Commissioners for that purpose.

(b) (1) Within each county, the political party primary elections shall be conducted by the county board of election commissioners.

(2) The state board shall have authority to adopt rules for the administration of primary elections consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

(3) The state board may withhold reimbursement of funds to the counties for state-funded elections for failure to comply with the rules developed by the state board for the administration of primary elections or applicable state election laws until all requirements are met to the satisfaction of the state board.

(4) Each political party shall be responsible for determining the qualifications of candidates seeking nomination by the political party, provide necessary applications for candidacy, accept and process the applications, and determine the order of its ballot.

(c) All political party primary elections shall be conducted in conformity with the provisions of this act, and these elections are declared to be legal elections.

(d) In cases of circumstances or procedures which may arise in connection with any primary election for which there is no provision of this act governing the circumstances or procedures, they shall be governed by the general election laws of this state or by party rules if there is no applicable general election law.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016