(a) Each initiative or referendum petition ordering a vote upon a measure having general application throughout the state shall be prepared and circulated in fifteen (15) or more parts or counterparts, and each shall be an exact copy or counterpart of all other such parts upon which signatures of petitioners are to be solicited. When a sufficient number of parts are signed by a requisite number of qualified electors and are filed and duly certified by the Secretary of State, they shall be treated and considered as one (1) petition.
(b) Each part of a petition shall have attached thereto the affidavit of the canvasser to the effect that the canvasser's current residence address appearing on the verification is correct, that all signatures appearing on the petition part were made in the presence of the affiant, and that to the best of the affiant's knowledge and belief each signature is genuine and each person signing is a registered voter.
(c) Preceding every petition, there shall be set out in boldface type, over the signature of the Attorney General, any instructions to canvassers and signers as may appear proper and beneficial informing them of the privileges granted by the Arkansas Constitution and of the penalties imposed for violations of this act. The instructions on penalties shall be in larger type than the other instructions.
(d) No part of any initiative or referendum petition shall contain signatures of petitioners from more than one (1) county.
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