Arkansas Code § 8-5-501 - Regulation of Systems Generally

(a) (1) The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission and the Oil and Gas Commission are empowered to establish reasonable rules, regulations, and specifications for the establishment and operation of underground salt water disposal systems to be used in disposing of salt water produced in the production of oil.

(2) (A) Any person wishing to establish an approved underground salt water disposal system shall make application to the commissions for a permit to construct and operate the system for the purpose of obtaining the benefits of the provisions of this section, §§ 8-5-502, 26-58-201 -- 26-58-204, 26-58-206 -- 26-58-210, and 26-58-211 [repealed].

(B) The application shall include:

(i) A description of the underground salt water disposal system that is to be established;

(ii) The plans and specifications thereof;

(iii) The location of the system and the number and location of the salt water producing oil wells to be served by the system;

(iv) The name of each oil producer to be served;

(v) A description of the underground level or strata into which the salt water is to be injected; and

(vi) Such other information as may be required by rules and regulations of the respective commissions.

(b) (1) If the commissions determine that the underground salt water disposal system for which application is made will meet the requirements of this section, §§ 8-5-502, 26-58-201 -- 26-58-204, 26-58-206 -- 26-58-210, and 26-58-211 [repealed], and the rules and regulations of the commissions, a permit for the establishment of the system shall be issued.

(2) (A) Upon the completion of the underground salt water disposal system, the commission granting the permit provided for in this section shall cause an inspection of the system to be made.

(B) (i) If the commission determines that the system is in compliance with the requirements of this section, §§ 8-5-502, 26-58-201 -- 26-58-204, 26-58-206 -- 26-58-210, and 26-58-211 [repealed], and the rules and regulations of the commission, a certificate of approval of the system shall be granted.

(ii) The certificate of approval shall be signed by the chair and secretary of the commission.

(iii) Copies of the certificate of approval shall be furnished, upon application therefor, to each oil producer who disposes of salt water through such approved underground salt water disposal system.

(3) (A) The commission granting the certificate of approval shall, from time to time, inspect the approved underground salt water disposal system.

(B) (i) If a determination is made that the system is being operated in a manner contrary to the provisions of this section, §§ 8-5-502, 26-58-201 -- 26-58-204, 26-58-206 -- 26-58-210, and 26-58-211 [repealed], or the rules and regulations of the commission, the commission may revoke the certificate of approval until such time as a showing may be made that the deficiencies in the system have been corrected to the satisfaction of the commission.

(ii) No oil producer shall be entitled to the benefits of the provisions of this section, §§ 8-5-502, 26-58-201 -- 26-58-204, 26-58-206 -- 26-58-210, and 26-58-211 [repealed], during the period in which the certificate of approval is revoked.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016