Arkansas Code § 8-5-612 - Wastewater Projects and Solid Waste Disposal Projects are Industrial Facilities for Other Acts

For purposes of any other law, including, without limitation, ยง 14-164-201 et seq., the term "facilities" or a similar term shall include a wastewater project or solid waste disposal project as those terms are defined in this subchapter, so that any law adopted authorizing the issuance of industrial development bonds, industrial development revenue bonds, or similar evidences of indebtedness shall be available for utilization in connection with a privatization project.

Section: Previous  8-5-602  8-5-603  8-5-604  8-5-605  8-5-606  8-5-607  8-5-608  8-5-609  8-5-610  8-5-611  8-5-612  

Last modified: November 15, 2016